A little bit about me.
And how I can help you.

My name is Marc Walsh. I'm a designer living and working in Dublin, Ireland. With over fifteen years experience, I have worked with businesses and organisations of all shapes and sizes, to design digital products, services and brands. I create engaging brand experiences that connect with audiences — helping businesses to grow and organisations to change for the better.


–  Creative direction
–  Art direction
–  Identity and brand design
–  Digital product design
–  User experience design
–  Interface design
–  Visual design
–  Interaction design
–  Information architecture
–  Wireframing and prototyping
–  Content design
–  Digital illustration
–  Iconography

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Currently working as Product Experience Design Manager with the Customer Experience & Design (CX&D) team at Mastercard Foundry, Dublin — Mastercard's European Tech Hub dedicated to innovation and technology.

Working with strategists, visual designers, content designers and researchers to set new standards of design at Mastercard. Partnering with a global multi-disciplinary team to deliver best-in-class products and differentiated digital experiences.


I worked as creative director at PixelSoup — designing brand experiences across identity, print, digital and environments — where I was responsible for the management, design and delivery of key brand and digital projects for clients including Barretstown, Caterpillar, Connacht Gold, ESB Group, Lidl, Nightline, Parcel Motel, RTÉ, Unilever, Volvo and Web Summit.

In a previous life, I have worked as a freelance graphic designer, as an illustrator on publishing projects, and as an in-house Senior Designer at education publisher Riverdeep Interactive Learning — now HMH (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt). Here I had the opportunity to help shape a design team, mentor young designers at the start of their careers, as well as design award-winning digital products for US and international markets.

I hold a B.Des in Industrial Design, jointly awarded by The National College of Art and Design (NCAD) and the University of Limerick — which has given me key skills in understanding how people experience and interact with objects and their surroundings, as well as a versatile process that can be applied to many different contexts, all of which I bring to my work on digital products.


In my spare time I enjoy travelling to explore new places, finding a quiet corner to sketch or read a book, adding new songs to an ever-increasing list of playlists, digging into a bowl of seafood chowder, and hanging out with friends and a growing family, preferably on a sandy shore or a wooded hillside.

What I'm up to now.

Let's Talk

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